Stress Management and Pain Relief

Hello, I’m Alison Charles, and I’m dedicated to helping individuals find relief from stress and pain. This website is focused solely on providing you with effective strategies and techniques for managing stress and alleviating pain in your daily life.

Real Resilience

If you’re a business leader or organisation looking for resilience development, leadership coaching, or team communication workshops, please visit my separate website dedicated to these services:  Real Resilience

Real Resilience is my distinct business focusing on organizational resilience and professional development. For all corporate and business-related inquiries, please refer to the Real Resilience website.

On this site, my focus is on helping you, as an individual, manage your stress and find relief from pain. Let’s work together to improve your personal well-being and quality of life.



Pain Relief and Relaxation

Are you weary of persistent aches and restricted movement that keeps you from fully enjoying life?

Clinical Somatic movement offers a unique path to liberation from physical discomfort, without relying on endless stretches or intense exercises. Let’s work together to awaken your body’s innate capacity for pain-free, fluid motion.

Are you an office worker plagued by a stiff neck, aching back, or constant tension from hours at your desk?

Imagine sitting at your computer without that familiar creep of tension in your shoulders and neck. Picture effortlessly maintaining good posture throughout your workday, free from the nagging backache that usually sets in by lunchtime. Being able to focus fully on your tasks, rather than constantly shifting in your chair to find a comfortable position.

Think about moving through your office with ease, turning to speak with colleagues without that twinge in your lower back. By day’s end, imagine leaving work feeling physically refreshed rather than drained, with energy left to enjoy your evening activities. This is the potential of somatic movement – transforming your desk-bound days from a source of physical stress to an experience of comfort and vitality.

Perhaps you’re struggling with the persistent pain of sciatica, the challenges of scoliosis, or recovering from hip surgery?

Clinical Somatic movement offers a gentle yet powerful approach to alleviate these specific issues, helping you reclaim comfort and ease in your body.

As you become attuned to your body’s subtle cues, you’ll experience a remarkable transformation. Movements that once caused pain will become smooth and unrestricted. The constant background hum of discomfort will fade, replaced by a sense of lightness and vitality. You’ll stand taller, breathe more freely, and move with newfound grace. This isn’t just about pain relief – it’s about reclaiming your body’s natural poise and resilience, allowing you to approach life’s physical challenges with confidence and ease.


Stress Management

Are you feeling overwhelmed, exhausted, and trapped in a cycle of constant worry?

Let me help you break free from the crushing weight of stress that is holding you back.

What We’ll Tackle Together

  • Sleepless nights and racing thoughts
  • Physical tension and headaches
  • Constant anxiety and irritability
  • Work pressures and relationship stress
  • Mental fog and decision paralysis

Imagine a New You Picture waking up refreshed and eager to start your day. Envision handling work pressures with calm confidence, truly relaxing at home, and being present with loved ones. As you master your stress response, you’ll feel more in control, resilient, and like the best version of yourself.

Your Journey to Empowerment Through our work together, you’ll move from feeling stuck to capable and energised. The constant knot in your stomach will unravel. Mental clarity will return, allowing for better decision-making. You’ll regain the energy to pursue your passions and fully enjoy life’s pleasures.

Personalised Strategies for Lasting Change I’ll guide you through proven techniques and personalised strategies to transform how you manage stress. We’ll build your resilience and develop a toolkit of coping mechanisms tailored just for you, addressing:

  • Work-related pressures
  • Relationship challenges
  • General anxiety
  • Time management
  • Self-care practices

Take the First Step Don’t let another day pass feeling trapped by stress. Ready to welcome a life of greater calm and contentment? Give me a ring today. Let’s chat about how we can work together to help you shed the weight of stress and rediscover joy in your daily life.

Your future self will thank you for taking this crucial step towards a healthier, happier you.

Alison Charles, Institute of Directors, Thursday, 2nd December 2021

Author and Speaker

Alison is an influential author and speaker specialising in Stress Management and Resilience, with a focus on employee engagement and organisational deeloopmnet. A contributing author to “Effective Directors: The Right Questions to Ask,” she brings vital insights on wellbeing to leadership discussions.

Recognising the rise in stress-related illnesses, Alison advocates for proactive approaches to reverse this trend. Her expertise lies in helping businesses understand that their greatest asset is a healthy, engaged workforce.

Through compelling speaking engagements and interactive workshops, Alison promotes an “Employees First” philosophy. She demonstrates how investing in employee wellness not only attracts and retains top talent but also boosts productivity and ROI.

Currently, Alison is writing her own book on “Real Resilience,” promising to further enrich the field of personal and professional wellbeing. Whether addressing large conferences or intimate “lunch and learn” sessions, her talks inspire and educate, offering practical strategies for fostering positive workplace cultures.

Alison’s unique blend of expertise, enthusiasm, and practical wisdom continues to shape conversations around corporate wellness and effective leadership in today’s dynamic business environment.

You can order an open-source copy of the book from here

Effective Directors | The Right Questions to Ask (QTA) | Charlotte Val (

Or a paper copy of the book from here

Effective Directors: The Right Questions to Ask (QTA) – 1st Edition – (

Given that I have that book finished, now I am working on my next exciting project writing a book of my own.  Yes, it is going to be all about Real Resilience. It is very early days yet to give further details. Watch this space for more information in the coming months.

Why Choose Alison?

You coaching and advice were excellent in helping me provide the framework, and environment to get our employee back on track – both in thier work life, and home life.

  • They were able to reduce their reliance on prescribed medication
  • They shared their anxieties and the possible solutions with family and friends
  • And they ended the year as our top performer

Many thanks on both our behalf’s – and I look forward to working with you again in the future.

David Gavins, Sales Director, BCMS

Really enjoyed the session on wellbeing. Alison was highly experienced and knowledgeable, providing insight on really current topics such as mental health. It gave me some useful tips to take away and use in my daily life, to improve my stress levels as well as advice in approaching management if required.

Jessica Crosby,  EU Sales Manager

We asked Alison to help us with our IT staff meeting by leading a session on well-being. Alison did a lot of work in advance of the day, finding out about what our people do and our specific needs so that she could tailor the session so that we could get the most out of it. In the session itself, Alison was very enthusiastic and is clearly an expert in her field, the chatter as we left for the break was incredibly positive with people saying they would be trying some of the techniques from the session.

Alison was very professional and easy to deal with throughout our work together and continues to keep us updated with information on well-being.

Tony Errington,  IT Business Manager. British Red Cross